LockOut / TagOut Training
OSHA statistics show that six percent of all deaths in the workplace result from the unexpected activation of machinery or equipment during maintenance or service work. Employers are required to establish a program to de-energize and render inoperative machinery and equipment prior to performing any service or maintenance work. The purpose of lock out tag out procedures is to prevent injuries and death of employees conducting these tasks.
This training program has been designed so that each employee understands:- The procedures involved in lock out tag out;- The reasons for lock out tag out; and- The dangers involved with interfering with lock out tag out.
This training program has been designed so that each employee understands:- The procedures involved in lock out tag out;- The reasons for lock out tag out; and- The dangers involved with interfering with lock out tag out.
As part of the practical application of this lock out tagout training, students will be shown various types of isolating devices and asked to demonstrate how each device should be applied to isolate an energy source.
At the conclusion of the training session there will be a written test that upon successful completion, each student will be issued a “Certificate of Completion” to be kept in their personnel file as proof of training.
Course Materials Provided:
- Course Manual “Lock-Out Tag-Out”
Reference & Training Guide.
- Certificate of Training Wallet Card.
Length of Training: 3 to 3 1/2 hours
Class Size: Minimum: 10 Students
Maximum: 20 Students
Course Description:
During the training your employees will learn:
- The purpose of lock out / tag out.
- Identifying hazardous energy sources.
- Injury and fatality case studies.
- Authorized, Affected, and Other Employees.
- Their role in following lock out tag out
- The training of personnel.
- The various types of energy isolating devices
and control procedures.
- How to follow written lock out / tag out
- Group LOTO, Transfer LOTO, Outside Contractor
LOTO procedures.
- Emergency removal procedures of LOTO.
- Performing periodic inspections.
- Certification of employees.
- Re-training requirements.
All classes are taught in English.
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